Catching My Breath

Sometimes, a writer has to take a break. It may last a few minutes, a few hours, a few weeks… I have discovered this more than once, and each time, it feels like a new revelation. I am learning this yet again.

I’m currently on my third novel set on the imaginary continent of Marda, with a fourth story written out –– a short story, which will probably be an addendum to the third, when it is published (I would say if, but I’m optimistic). Beyond the Owarthan Cordillera is my longest yet, clocking in at just over 90,000 words –– and it may grow longer. I have most of it written, with a few loose ends to tie up and plenty of editing to do. I thought I could jump straight from writing into editing, but it seems like that’s just not happening.

Perhaps writing is like making wine. There’s a part in the process where it needs to sit and ferment for a while so that it can gain different attributes. The author can then come back at a later time with fresh vision and purpose, ready to tackle the beast that is her manuscript. I have never liked this part of the process, because I like to always be creating, always shaping, always churning ideas out onto paper. However, if I don’t allow for it, my final product is a complete and utter mess, and I get burnt out…

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Filed under General, How To Edit, Writing Advice

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